Meet the Team |Sam Peliza

Who am I ?

With a background in health, beauty and fashion events and branding, I jumped at the chance to be involved with SFW. Between working in a vintage shop and becoming more proactive and sustainable in my day-to-day life, I am becoming increasingly passionate about the effects and ethics connected with ‘fast’ consumption as a whole, and the impact it has on people and planet.

What I believe in

I believe on a number of levels that we need to significantly reduce (or where possible, stop) manufacturing fresh goods and become resourceful and creative with the things that are already in circulation; repurposing, fixing and trading. We also have to honour and respect the process and particularly the people that make our beloved clothes. This means a safe environment for properly paid employees with human rights. As a feminist and mother, I am particularly passionate about this with regards to the inhumane working conditions women and children face in the fashion industry.


My concern - particularly for the beauty & fashion industry - is that it needs to be ethical. When I heard SFW was being set up I wanted to be involved to do my part in raising awareness of the ethical side of beauty/fashion, using my experience from previous work on projects, events and brands. I really want this to spread awareness and be sustainable on many levels; be an accessible and inclusive way of life for everyone.

What I do for SFW

Working close with the Brand & Comms team, I will be reaching out and spreading SFW amongst the industry, across media and influencers. I am looking forward to sharing all our awesome news with the professionals, and use the platform to reach everyone so they can learn about and benefit from the accessibility and value of sustainable fashion.

3 favourite items in my wardrobe

  • Burberry Trench Coat I’ve inherited this vintage Burberry trench jacket from my Mum who spent months saving up for it whilst working as a receptionist at The Dorchester - her first job after moving to the UK. It’s a classic, flattering cut and looks great with a pair of jeans and (grubby) trainers, as well as when dressing up with my many pairs of Annie Lennox inspired, leopard print shoes.

  • Cardi(s) I love an oversized chunky patterned 80s cardy - preferably with shoulder pads! I have loads of them from various local Bristol vintage shops and selling sites. If I did have to narrow it down it would be a black and red one that a friend gave me. It’s been repaired a zillion times!

  • Sequinned jacket I have an awesome mid-length, multicoloured sequinned jacket I bought on my 40th birthday from a friend’s vintage shop where I had a party. Great for festivals, holidays and dressing up with my little boy who LOVES it.


Meet the Team | Hattie Rowan


Exploring Organic Cotton