Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

Meet the Team | Hattie Rowan

Hattie is a recent graduate who is part of SFW’s Communications Team responsible for the website and newsletters. She is passionate about finding more sustainable ways to uphold fashion and other industries, and renounce the outdated consumerist-driven way of life. Hattie believes that it is time we move away from fast fashion, and rediscover the art form in more sustainable, ethical ways.

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Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

Meet the Team |Sam Peliza

Sam works with the Communications Team; reaching out to industries, the media and influencers to spread the word about SFW. Her background in fashion, beauty and vintage retail - and her passion for the creative repurposing and upcycling of clothing and other products - inspired Sam to join SFW. We feel very lucky to have her on our team, helping to spread the word of sustainable fashion and make it an accessible and inclusive movement for everyone.

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