WE’RE RECRUITING | Social Media Lead

We are recruiting a Social Media Lead volunteer to join our team and support our engagement with our audience. Have a read of the role breakdown and get in touch to ask any questions or apply!

We actively welcome applicants from all backgrounds and all identities. We recognise that the climate and ecological crisis disproportionately impacts marginalised or minority communities, but often these voices are largely underrepresented in the sustainability movement. We therefore encourage people from underrepresented and marginalised communities to join our team, whilst also acknowledging that the fact that this is a voluntary role may be a barrier for many.

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SFW 2021 is the first fashion week of its kind. Our focus will not be on next season’s trends but instead will be on upskilling, inspiring, informing and empowering the community to equip them for a more sustainable relationship with fashion. We’ll be curating a week of creative, community-led activity across Bristol in September 2021 and measuring its impact. 

SFW is run by a team of volunteers, working part time alongside other projects. We’re seeking a highly motivated volunteer to support our social media activity and join our team as Social Media Lead.


Event Themes

Our four event themes are: regenerate, rewear, repurpose and rebel. These four themes will help inform our programming and act as calls to action in our engagement with our audience.

Core Aims

Our event has two core aims for 2021.

1.     Change the Story: We need to shift the narrative of sustainability in fashion from one of loss to one of what we will gain from embracing change.

2.    Cultivate Inclusivity: We want to start to break down any sense of exclusivity that surrounds the idea of sustainable fashion and empower all parts of the community.


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Role Breakdown 

Role Responsibilities

The Social Media Lead will manage the engagement channels for SFW. This will include:

·       managing all social media channels on a day-to-day basis, to include regular posting and interacting with other accounts

·       managing the SFW content calendar to plan and schedule our social media posts

·       liaising with the wider SFW team to develop content through our list of collaborators


Role Specifics

·       The event is a non-profit, community-led project and therefore the role is voluntary

·       The role will require a contribution of 4 hours per week, worked across the week

·       The role will begin in early March and run through until after SFW in September

·       The role can be worked from home, with Zoom calls with the rest of the team


Person Specification

For this role we are looking for good experience in managing digital engagement channels. The Social Media Lead must:

·       be committed to the vision of a sustainable fashion industry

·       be committed to community inclusion and making sustainability accessible to everyone

·       have experience in managing social media channels and digital content

·       be confident in engaging with a diverse audience and ensuring the language and content used is accessible and inclusive

·       be adept at keeping a ‘finger on the pulse’ with topical issues

·       be able to work very independently and flexibly with an organised and systematic approach

·       be reliable and consistent in their work, with excellent feedback to the team

·       be able to work the hours across the week so some extent

·       have a self-motivated and pro-active approach

To apply for this role, please send a CV and a brief introduction explaining your suitability for the role to Amelia by 7 March.


SFW and the Sustainable Development Goals


Meet the Team | Funsho Osinoiki