Introducing our hub partners in Frome: Everyone Needs Pockets! 

The Everyone Needs Pockets Textile Reuse Network is an inclusive group of enterprises and individuals whose focus and priority is about addressing clothing and textile reuse, recycling and regeneration through stitching, knitting, weaving and repairing. Their ethos centres on three principles: revamp; repair; repurpose. The group researches and actively takes steps to reduce issues around global textile sustainability, whilst offering a place to forge connections, generate solutions and generate mental health wellbeing within the community. 

Everyone Needs Pockets is in residence with Future Shed Edventure Frome running a variety of events on taking action on the climate crisis this year. Future Shed Frome offers practical support to get green and healthy initiatives and enterprises off the ground through building networks, connecting people and ideas, signposting and start-up coaching for a greener, healthier future.

Recent events include participation in Big Green Week with a mending and repair table as part of The Big Green Clothes Swap Frome.

INSTAGRAM: @everyoneneedspockets

The SFW Hubs will take place on 30 September & 1 October 2023 as part of the wider SFW 2023 event.

Read more about SFW 2023 plans here.


Opinion with Joe Mountain from Future Fashion Fair
