Meet the Team | Claire Haines

Who am I

My background is in event management, organising large-scale fundraising events. I currently work for a national charity working on their flagship walk series, which includes logistics planning and volunteer management. 

I’ve lived in Bristol for nearly 8 years and am constantly inspired by the sense of community here, and the wide range of projects happening that seek to do good and make positive change - as well as the sense of loyalty towards independent businesses and brands. I take an active interest in supporting grassroots initiatives and volunteering within the city. 

As well as loving fashion, I enjoy hiking, yoga, swimming, gardening at my allotment, and generally trying to be outdoors as much as possible!


What I believe in

I believe we’re reaching a critical juncture in the climate emergency and that individuals are starting to realise the actions they can take. However, there also needs to be systemic change and accountability from our governments and corporations. I also believe that we need to make our cause and our programme accessible and empower groups to want to take action. 



I’ve always hated waste and been conscious of my relationship to food consumption, and recently have started looking at other sustainability issues - including fast fashion. I know I have a lot to learn about how to make long-lasting change, and getting involved with SFW seemed like the perfect way to improve my own understanding and empower others to do the same.


What I do for SFW

I’m the Programming Lead for the City Wide Events, so I’ll be looking after the SFW Fringe programme.


3 favourite items in my wardrobe

· Vintage 'Expressions Worldwide' cardigan I bought this slightly garish cardigan from a jumble sale a few years ago. I planned to wear it at festivals and slowly it has crept into my everyday wardrobe. I love it.

· Denim dress I bought this from a high street shop years ago and it has served me well ever since. It’s so basic but so versatile, and I wear it constantly during the summer.

· Orange jumpsuit I acquired this from a clothes swap last year on a bit of a whim, after always assuming I was too short to pull off jumpsuits. The colour is like Autumn in a nutshell, and I constantly get complimented whilst wearing it so it’s great for my self-esteem!   



Meet the Team | Mya-Rose Craig - aka Birdgirl


Remake’s #PayUp Campaign