Meet the Team | Mya-Rose Craig - aka Birdgirl

Who am I

I am an 18-year-old prominent British Bangladeshi birder and naturalist, who has been passionate about birds all her life. 

What I believe in

Equal access to nature for everybody, whatever your socio-economic status or ethnicity especially as we need everybody fighting for our planet if we are to have a sustainable future.


Because lots of my family work in the garment industry in Bangladesh and I feel that it is important for their experiences, views and hopes to be fairly reflected.  

What I do for SFW

I’m on the Inclusion Team, reaching out to Visible Minority Ethnic communities and inspiring them to be part of this movement.

3 favourite items in my wardrobe

· Brown patterned 1980's men's Hugo Boss jumper  purchased in a charity shop on Gloucester Road, Bristol.

· Pink halter-neck satin bright pink festival dress purchased in 1995 by my Mum for Glastonbury Festival.

· A light blue satin/silk embroidered 1950's fitted dress purchased in a charity shop on Gloucester Road, Bristol.


Meet the Team | Georgia Smith


Meet the Team | Claire Haines