Meet the Team | Amelia Twine


Who am I

I have spent my career finding ways to encourage sustainability and sustainable practices in various industries and in different contexts. I am committed to a vision of a kinder and gentler future, that doesn’t exploit people or planet as it does now. I launched Give Wear Love - an online sustainable fashion retail platform – in 2018… and then closed it during the recent pandemic. I want to focus more on making the industry accessible and inclusive.


What I believe in

Two things: firstly we need dramatic systemic change to achieve that vision of a sustainable future. This needs to start at ‘the top’. We need better regulation, legislation and better use of excessive profit. Secondly, we can use the power of consumer demand to drive this change. We can come together as a community and push for change.



I don’t believe sustainability is about luxury and I don’t believe sustainability in fashion should be aspirational. The climate emergency affects us all, and we all get dressed in the morning. That means sustainability in fashion is relevant to everybody.

I want the sustainable fashion movement to be more diverse, more representative and more accessible. We need to find ways for everyone to feel like they can participate. I wanted to kick this action off with a loud event in Bristol – making noise across the city which will hopefully engage people with the issues and alternatives to fast fashion.


What I do for SFW

I’m the SFW Founder – the event is my passion project and I lead the brilliant SFW team of volunteers in making it happen.


3 favourite items in my wardrobe

·       Floral Kimono (pictured). I sold this style through my online sustainable fashion platform GIVE WEAR LOVE and kept one for myself. It reminds me of the rainforest which has long been one of my passions (I spent 6 weeks volunteering in the Amazon in 2010).

·       Pink & Black Indian Embroidered Skirt. I bought this skirt when I first moved to Brighton back in 2003 and have worn it to death ever since; it’s frayed and has lost its colour at the back but I won’t stop wearing it until it falls apart! It’s very flattering and I’ve copied it three times – making skirts using the panelled pattern.

·       Gold Sequinned Shrug. I wore this on my wedding day and to a handful of other weddings since. It’s beautiful – slightly reminiscent of dragon skin. This is something I wouldn’t buy today – sequins are a real villain in terms of non-biodegradable plastic use.


Meet the Team | Ceilidh Jackson-Baker


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