TEXTILES 2030: SFW joins as an Affiliate

We’re delighted to announce that, as of May 2024, Sustainable Fashion Week is one of the pioneering signatories to Textiles 2030, the UK’s most ambitious voluntary agreement designed to limit the impact clothes and home textiles have on climate change in line with the Paris Agreement and the UN Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action.

Textiles 2030 brand signatories uses a ‘Target-Measure-Act’ approach to reduce the impact of fashion and homewares products across the UK. As an Affiliate to Textiles 2030, we will provide expertise to support brands and recycling organisations as they set tough targets, measure the impact of our products and track progress on an individual basis, towards national targets.

By 2030, signatories will reduce their combined greenhouse gas emissions in line with a 1.5oC UN trajectory to reduce climate change - reducing carbon impact by 50%, reducing the water footprint of products sold by 30%; and following a circularity roadmap to ensure products are made to be recyclable, more products are acquired for re-use, and more circular raw material than linear raw material is in new products.

We are proud to be an Affiliate of Textiles 2030, providing support to industry colleagues as part of this ground breaking 10-year collaboration.


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