Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

What Environmentalists Can Learn from Easter

With the beginning of spring and the approach of lockdown’s end, the UK feels on the brink of a new life. This week we look at the Christian practices of Lent and Easter, and what they can teach us about environmentalism and our quest towards a fairer, greener and happier planet.

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Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

It’s Time to Call Out Greenwashing

As sustainability becomes more ‘fashionable’, companies around the globe are jumping on the band wagon - but not always in a good way. Greenwashing has become an unfortunate phenomenon with many brands claiming eco-friendly resources and practises, whilst the reality is far from sustainable. It is high time the law changed to prevent greenwashing and put an end to the deceit from which many brands benefit.

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Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

Being Kind to the Earth

Across the world are ideas and philosophies which encourage compassion and empathy towards the planet. From Bolivia’s Law of Mother Nature to James Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis, there are several beliefs which uphold the idea of the planet as living. Adopting these beliefs, and beginning to imagine the Earth as part of ourselves, could be the first step in tackling the climate crisis and creating an ecological balance between people and planet.

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Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

Meet the Team | Amelia Crews

Amelia Crews is the Ambassador Lead for SFW. She is a recent graduate in Business and Digital Marketing and has joined SFW because of her love of clothes and her desire that we learn to see the beautiful value in pre-used clothing. She believes that, rather than supporting a constant stream of new clothing, we should learn to create new from the old and find more value behind what we wear.

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Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

Sustainable School Uniforms

Last year, Labour Behind the Label launched a campaign demanding more transparency from school uniform supplier Trutex. The campaign was hugely successful and shines a light on where our school uniforms come from and how we can make more eco-friendly choices when it comes to buying our Back to School kit.

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Amelia Twine Amelia Twine

Extraction & Exploitation

How do we link the destruction of ecosystems and the Black Lives Matter movement? In this opinioin piece we look at how they’re systemically linked through the practices of extraction and exploitation in modern capitalism.

Image from Environmental Justice Foundation.

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