The SFW Night In

Are you wanting to learn more about the true cost of fast fashion? Why not spend an evening watching a documentary with us?

On the 12th May, we’re hosting the SFW Night In; an evening to come together and watch a Sustainable Fashion documentary. Whilst covid restrictions have meant our life events has been postponed, we want to bring everyone together (virtually) in an evening of relaxed education. 

Film documentaries are a great way to do this, providing in-depth insight to better understand certain topics. They are also fantastic for engaging friends and family with some key issues from across the globe. So spread the word! Invite your friends! Share this post!

On the night, all you need to do it pick your fav snack, choose a film, and then sit back and relax. And don’t forget to keep an eye on our Instagram story on the 12th, as we will be sharing some interactive content to keep you entertained. 

Not sure what to watch?

We’ve put together a list of documentaries which are available for free online or on popular streaming sites. We’ve made sure there is something for everyone. These documentaries are incredibly eye-opening and educational; many contain shocking truths and emotional accounts from the people who suffer at the hands of fast fashion.  


UDITA [ARISE] follows 5 years in the lives of the women at the grass roots of the garment worker’s struggle. From 2010 when organising in the workplace would lead to beatings, sacking and arrests, through to the tragedies of the Tazreen and Rana Plaza, and finally to the present day; when the long fight begins to pay dividends. We see this vital period through the eyes of the union’s female members, workers, and leaders. 

Available free online through this link -


RIVERBLUE travels around the world to uncover the dirty secret behind how are clothes are made. This award-winning feature reveals stunning and shocking images that truly change the way we look at what we wear.

Through harsh chemical manufacturing processes and the irresponsible disposal of toxic chemical waste, one of our favourite iconic products, blue jeans, is destroying rivers globally. 

Rent on Vimeo for £1.82, using this link for a discount


The True Cost - 

This is a story about clothing. It’s about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost is a ground-breaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?

Available on Amazon Prime.



How might your life be better with less? Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things examines the many flavours of minimalism by taking its audience inside the lives of minimalists from all walks of life; families, entrepreneurs, architects, artists, journalists, scientists, and even a former Wall Street broker - all of whom are striving to live a meaningful life with less.

Available on Netflix.


See you there!

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