Mend In Public Day by Fashion Revolution

On Saturday 20th April, join Fashion Revolution on the streets for the first global Mend In Public Day. The idea is simple: get out into your local community and stitch in protest against disposable fashion. Amidst busy Saturday shoppers, we will repair our torn pockets and broken seams and spark conversations on making Loved Clothes Last.

Mend in Public Day stands as a beacon of change in a world inundated with fashion waste. By participating, you’ll be part of a global creative action resisting the cycle of excess through repair and reuse. Get your repair pile (or other fibre crafts!) at the ready, find a Mend In Public Day event near you or host your own. All skill levels and Fashion Revolutionaries welcome!

Here are some hosting and promotion tips to get you started:

Find a venue: The more passersby you can engage, the better! We recommend choosing a busy consumer hub, like a shopping mall or district, but do double check if you need to obtain permission beforehand. For something less public, opt for your local community centre, coffee shop, library or craft market. It’s important to consider the accessibility of your location and to ensure that it is wheelchair accessible with public toilets nearby. It’s also good to have a backup idea in case you need to shelter due to bad weather!

Gather resources: On the day, we recommend bringing:

  • Things to mend with, like needles, thread and fabric scraps

  • A few skilled menders on hand to assist beginners

  • Chairs or picnic blankets because mending can be tiring!

  • Embroidery patterns for beginners to follow, like these ones designed by Fashion Revolution India

  • Posters to attract passersby at the event

  • A poster stand or sandwich board to display posters

  • Access to a power source if you’re using a sewing machine

Build local partnerships: Try to find local partners who can help provide numbers or the resources you need for the event. We recommend getting in touch with:

  • Thrift, vintage and charity shops who may be able to provide pre-loved or damaged clothing to repair and upcycle

  • Local tailors, design schools and repair services who may be able to provide sewing kits or lend their mending expertise to beginners on the day

  • Small businesses and community buildings who can display promotional posters inviting others to join the event

  • Local vendors who may be able to provide food and drink or discount vouchers for menders taking part in the event

  • Local newspapers who can advertise the event to their readers

  • Local printing services who may be able to provide discounted printing rates

Promote your event: Help your community find you and come along to your event! The best way to do this is to submit your event to the Mend in Public Day calendar – make sure to include the time and location, what materials will be provided (such as fabric scraps and sewing supplies), what participants should bring (e.g. items of clothes that need repairing), whether there will be mending experts on hand to help beginners, and venue accessibility information. Customise and download our free posters and social media assets to help spread the word online and in your local community.

Capture the day: Share any photos or videos you take on the day with Fashion Revolution on Instagram. Don’t forget to include #MendInPublicDay and tag @fash_rev to be reposted, and be sure to explore the hashtag to see your fellow menders’ creations during this global day of collective action.

Image Credits: Fashion Revolution Uruguay, Lía Murillo - credit @liamurillouy, Fashion Revolution Singapore, Fashion Revolution India


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